E' morto padre Gino Burresi.
Il religioso aveva un grande seguito di fedeli, fece costruire il santuario di San Vittorino. Ritirato a vita privata dopo le indagini per abusi
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Roma, 4 maggio 2018 - All’età di 85 anni, dopo una lunga malattia, è morto a Roma padre Gino Burresi, sacerdote e religioso dei Servi del Cuore Immacolato di Maria. È stato il promotore della costruzione del santuario di San Vittorino Romano. Don Gino era stato indagato per presunti abusi alla fine degli anni Ottanta e per questo nel 1988 fu trasferito in Austria. Dal 1989 ha condotto vita riservata, presso la comunità religiosa dei Servi del Cuore Immacolato di Maria in Montignoso di Gambassi Terme.
Oltre ai gravi fatti per i quali fu accusato, padre Gino Burresi (nato a Gambassi Terme il 7 luglio 1932) era noto anche per il suo grande seguito di fedeli. Nel 1959 chiese e ottenne dal Vicariato di Roma l’approvazione di un’associazione di fedeli denominata Pia Congregazione Nostra Signora di Fatima. Dal 1961, nella borgata di San Vittorino Romano (dove si trasferì stabilmente il 17 maggio 1964) diede avvio alla realizzazione di un’Opera dedicata alla Madonna di Fatima: tale opera è oggi conosciuta in tutto il mondo come il Santuario di San Vittorino. La costruzione iniziò nel 1970 e terminò il 13 maggio 1979 con la consacrazione dell’edificio, avvenuta da parte del vescovo di Tivoli, Guglielmo Giaquinta.
Ded in ROM the great Apostle of Fátima Father Gino Burresi
We continue below, the article which begins in Issue Number 9-10, which gives some practical ideas on how to live the message of Fatima today, as explained by Father Gino Burresi, O.M.V., an Oblate of The Virgin Mary, who has built a shrine in honor of Our Lady of Fatima in San Vittorino, Italy. Father Gino’s knowledge and understanding of the message of Our Lady of Fatima, and his gift for teaching, have enabled many young people to understand the message that Our Lady of Fatima has for them as individuals, and to answer Our Blessed Mother’s call in their own lives.
On May 8, 1983 before a congregation of 25,000 people, Father Gino was ordained to the priesthood. We are certain that our readers join with The Fatima Crusader in extending our prayerful best wishes to Father Gino on this sacred occasion.
We give, in this article, in some detail, words of Father Gino himself, on living the message of Fatima, as he has explained in various writings, conferences, talks and interviews. We are publishing this article with the hope that through it, more people will come to have a better understanding of how to put into practice in their own lives what Our Blessed Mother asks of us at Fatima.
Follow the Pope
In teaching about the message of Fatima, Father Gino indicates to mankind its infallible guide, the Pope, Vicar of the world’s Savior, Jesus Christ. Our Lady of Fatima prophesied to the three children about persecution against the Church and particularly against the Holy Father. Little Jacinta saw visions of the Holy Father suffering. She said to her cousin Lucia in 1917, “I don’t know how it was, I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father. We must pray very much for him.” The message of Fatima reminds us to pray for the Pope and to follow his guidance in matters of faith and morals. Father Gino adds also that it is urgent that the priests be faithful to the Magisterium of the Pope and when guiding souls, they must teach according to the Pope’s doctrine taught to the whole Catholic Church.
The Fatima Message Is for Our Times
Our Lady of Fatima warned us that if Her requests were not heeded, Russia would spread its errors throughout the world. One of these errors is to deny the existence of God and Heaven and Hell and our immortal souls, and to live as if material things were our gods. Another error is militant atheism which seeks to destroy Christ and His Church by seeking to destroy the life of Christ (Sanctifying Grace) in our souls, and by open persecution of the Church as occurs in Communist and Marxist countries.
When asked why the Fatima Message is so important for these times, Father Gino replied, “Because in the world there was the great spreading of materialism, and it was just, that from Heaven should come a reminder so that men should pay attention and be careful not to fall into the error of materialism, but rather should strengthen themselves in the Christian life.” “It (materialism) is a total destruction of the faith. Now we see why Our Lady has asked for the consecration of oneself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that these errors of materialism which have spread throughout the world will not enter into our hearts. Our Lady has given us a way so that our hearts will not open up to embrace this materialism. First, she calls us to prayer — and a certain way of prayer — saying the Rosary. If we are attentive in looking around us we see that the modern mentality of materialism and atheism has attacked each one of these ways of salvation which has been given to us. So Our Lady says to pray the Rosary; in our times the Rosary has been attacked.” Father Gino also said, “Another thing we should look at is that the message of Fatima has not been heeded to its fullest extent, and we can see around us today the effects of this. Materialism has brought us to a great confusion, and we don’t know who to follow anymore. We read about how little Jacinta came to the two other children and said that she had seen a vision of the Pope, who was weeping because no one would listen to the message, because their hearts were no longer open. Therefore, we must listen to the secure guide, who is the Pope. We must not make the Gospel into a political thing, which (error) today is bringing the world to disaster.”
Speaking on another occasion about materialism Father Gino said, “I wish to underline one thing: This materialism is truly an incredible thing. Let the man beware who opens the door of his heart to it. It will kill him. It will bring death into the heart of the man, and it will kill all the life which Christ has brought to him. It has a very cruel goal and that is to bring man lower than an animal. We all must see the need to prevail upon Our Lady to bring about this miracle to destroy the materialism that destroys the commandments of love (love of God and love of neighbor). Man separates them and then does not love any longer. Then he is finished.” Father Gino is alluding to the fact that some modern men think that they serve the Gospel by preaching concern for the poor without teaching living the love of God, and thereby these men end up not loving or being concerned for the poor or for anyone, in fact.
Speaking about materialism Father Gino said, “Materialism destroys. It destroys Christ in man and elevates the animal part. It not only takes away the Christian ideals but makes us worse than animals. Materialism includes pampering the body, wanting excessive property, the best of food, giving in to desires of the flesh. This is a freedom which is not a freedom. Actually, you become a slave of all these things, and then you are not even a master of yourself. You become a slave to vice, to carnal vices, the desire to have more than is necessary — one is never content. It is a construction of hell which we create on this earth.”
Speaking about the present disbelief in the existence of hell Father Gino said, “among the material punishments, Our Lady spoke of the eternal one and that is hell. Nowadays, man laughs in scorn when hell is mentioned. He does not believe it. Yet the Saints all tremble at hearing the word.”
“… a world of materialism and atheism seeks to destroy the true life in the heart of man, the life of Christ in us. Without this life mankind finds itself totally disoriented and plunged in darkness, bringing many of our brothers to live in brutal violence and in an immorality that effaces the beauty and the dignity of man.”
Father Gino, in a letter of Easter 1982 tells us a way to help overcome this problem as individuals, writes, “We who believe in the Risen Christ and who strive to live His glorious resurrection, must do something for these our brothers; and the first thing Jesus asks of us is this: to be ever of good example, especially where we spend the most part of our day.”
Conversion of Russia
Our Lady of Fatima promised that if Her requests were granted, Russia would be converted and there would be peace. On this point, Father Gino gave the following helpful advice, “We must also remember another thing. We must pray every day for those who are behind the Iron Curtain, for the conversion of Russia, for the conversion of sinners who do not believe. Our hearts pray as part of the Mystical Body of Christ. We must pray that every individual person, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, will have the time in which he will be able to hear the call and listen to the message of God.”
Father Gino giving Holy Communion to one of the Sisters of the new religious order that he founded, assisted by one of the many seminarians who have been attracted to San Vittorino by Father Gino. |
How Christ Is Killed in the Modern World
LUIGI BURRESI conosciuto
col nome di PADRE GINO
Nato a Gambassi (Firenze) il 6 luglio 1932 il 10 dicembre 1947, entra nella congregazione degli Oblati di M.V. il 19 marzo 1951, a Ivrea (Torino), professione perpetua; 8 dicembre 1960.
Inizio delle Opere di San Vittorino:
18 febbraio 1962, inizio della «Cripta» a San Vittorino;
17 settembre 1971, inizio della costruzione del santuario;
1970, fondazione del seminario internazionale N.S. di Fatima;
13 maggio 1978, fondazione delle Suore Oblate di M.V. di Fatima.
Il 21 maggio 1978, Fratel Gino è ordinato diacono;
il 13 maggio 1979, consacrazione del santuario di N.S. di Fatima.
Padre Burresi, che oggi ha 79 anni, ha fatto parte fino al 1992 degli Oblati della Vergine Maria, un ordine fondato nel 1816 dal sacerdote italiano Bruno Lanteri.
Devotissimo delle rivelazioni di Fatima, divenne prete a 51 anni nel 1983, ma già prima s’era guadagnato una grande fama come mistico e direttore spirituale, oltre che per le stimmate e le visioni anche per il profumo di rose che emanavano le sue stimmate.
Riconosceva le anime se erano o non in grazia di Dio dal loro profumo o dal loro puzzare.
Leggeva nei cuori dei penitenti e il venerdì santo dopo aver sofferto la passione gli si fermava il cuore alle quindici ora della morte del Signore.
La sua popolarità somigliava a quella di padre Pio da Pietrelcina:
da lui accorrevano ogni giorno centinaia di migliaia di persone in cerca di conforto, dall’Italia e dall’estero, compresi alti prelati, politici, ambasciatori.
Dalle lontane Filippine, l’allora presidente Corazon Aquino mandò un giorno un suo messo a far benedire un rosario da quest’uomo in profumo di santità.
Il suo quartier generale era nelle campagne sotto Tivoli, poco fuori Roma, nella località di San Vittorino, dove ora sorge un vistoso santuario mariano in vetrocemento a forma di cono, edificato con le offerte dei devoti.
“Fratel Gino”, come tutti lo chiamavano, riceveva inizialmente in una baracca di legno e lamiera, al posto della quale la congregazione degli Oblati costruì poi un seminario internazionale.
Padre Burresi era anche un grande magnete di vocazioni alla vita religiosa.
LUIGI BURRESI conosciuto
col nome di PADRE GINO
Nato a Gambassi (Firenze) il 6 luglio 1932 il 10 dicembre 1947, entra nella congregazione degli Oblati di M.V. il 19 marzo 1951, a Ivrea (Torino), professione perpetua; 8 dicembre 1960.
Inizio delle Opere di San Vittorino:
18 febbraio 1962, inizio della «Cripta» a San Vittorino;
17 settembre 1971, inizio della costruzione del santuario;
1970, fondazione del seminario internazionale N.S. di Fatima;
13 maggio 1978, fondazione delle Suore Oblate di M.V. di Fatima.
Il 21 maggio 1978, Fratel Gino è ordinato diacono;
il 13 maggio 1979, consacrazione del santuario di N.S. di Fatima.
Padre Burresi, che oggi ha 79 anni, ha fatto parte fino al 1992 degli Oblati della Vergine Maria, un ordine fondato nel 1816 dal sacerdote italiano Bruno Lanteri.
Devotissimo delle rivelazioni di Fatima, divenne prete a 51 anni nel 1983, ma già prima s’era guadagnato una grande fama come mistico e direttore spirituale, oltre che per le stimmate e le visioni anche per il profumo di rose che emanavano le sue stimmate.
Riconosceva le anime se erano o non in grazia di Dio dal loro profumo o dal loro puzzare.
Leggeva nei cuori dei penitenti e il venerdì santo dopo aver sofferto la passione gli si fermava il cuore alle quindici ora della morte del Signore.
La sua popolarità somigliava a quella di padre Pio da Pietrelcina:
da lui accorrevano ogni giorno centinaia di migliaia di persone in cerca di conforto, dall’Italia e dall’estero, compresi alti prelati, politici, ambasciatori.
Dalle lontane Filippine, l’allora presidente Corazon Aquino mandò un giorno un suo messo a far benedire un rosario da quest’uomo in profumo di santità.
Il suo quartier generale era nelle campagne sotto Tivoli, poco fuori Roma, nella località di San Vittorino, dove ora sorge un vistoso santuario mariano in vetrocemento a forma di cono, edificato con le offerte dei devoti.
“Fratel Gino”, come tutti lo chiamavano, riceveva inizialmente in una baracca di legno e lamiera, al posto della quale la congregazione degli Oblati costruì poi un seminario internazionale.
Padre Burresi era anche un grande magnete di vocazioni alla vita religiosa.
We continue below, the article which begins in Issue Number 9-10, which gives some practical ideas on how to live the message of Fatima today, as explained by Father Gino Burresi, O.M.V., an Oblate of The Virgin Mary, who has built a shrine in honor of Our Lady of Fatima in San Vittorino, Italy. Father Gino’s knowledge and understanding of the message of Our Lady of Fatima, and his gift for teaching, have enabled many young people to understand the message that Our Lady of Fatima has for them as individuals, and to answer Our Blessed Mother’s call in their own lives.
On May 8, 1983 before a congregation of 25,000 people, Father Gino was ordained to the priesthood. We are certain that our readers join with The Fatima Crusader in extending our prayerful best wishes to Father Gino on this sacred occasion.
We give, in this article, in some detail, words of Father Gino himself, on living the message of Fatima, as he has explained in various writings, conferences, talks and interviews. We are publishing this article with the hope that through it, more people will come to have a better understanding of how to put into practice in their own lives what Our Blessed Mother asks of us at Fatima.
Follow the Pope
In teaching about the message of Fatima, Father Gino indicates to mankind its infallible guide, the Pope, Vicar of the world’s Savior, Jesus Christ. Our Lady of Fatima prophesied to the three children about persecution against the Church and particularly against the Holy Father. Little Jacinta saw visions of the Holy Father suffering. She said to her cousin Lucia in 1917, “I don’t know how it was, I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father. We must pray very much for him.” The message of Fatima reminds us to pray for the Pope and to follow his guidance in matters of faith and morals. Father Gino adds also that it is urgent that the priests be faithful to the Magisterium of the Pope and when guiding souls, they must teach according to the Pope’s doctrine taught to the whole Catholic Church.
The Fatima Message Is for Our Times
Our Lady of Fatima warned us that if Her requests were not heeded, Russia would spread its errors throughout the world. One of these errors is to deny the existence of God and Heaven and Hell and our immortal souls, and to live as if material things were our gods. Another error is militant atheism which seeks to destroy Christ and His Church by seeking to destroy the life of Christ (Sanctifying Grace) in our souls, and by open persecution of the Church as occurs in Communist and Marxist countries.
When asked why the Fatima Message is so important for these times, Father Gino replied, “Because in the world there was the great spreading of materialism, and it was just, that from Heaven should come a reminder so that men should pay attention and be careful not to fall into the error of materialism, but rather should strengthen themselves in the Christian life.” “It (materialism) is a total destruction of the faith. Now we see why Our Lady has asked for the consecration of oneself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that these errors of materialism which have spread throughout the world will not enter into our hearts. Our Lady has given us a way so that our hearts will not open up to embrace this materialism. First, she calls us to prayer — and a certain way of prayer — saying the Rosary. If we are attentive in looking around us we see that the modern mentality of materialism and atheism has attacked each one of these ways of salvation which has been given to us. So Our Lady says to pray the Rosary; in our times the Rosary has been attacked.” Father Gino also said, “Another thing we should look at is that the message of Fatima has not been heeded to its fullest extent, and we can see around us today the effects of this. Materialism has brought us to a great confusion, and we don’t know who to follow anymore. We read about how little Jacinta came to the two other children and said that she had seen a vision of the Pope, who was weeping because no one would listen to the message, because their hearts were no longer open. Therefore, we must listen to the secure guide, who is the Pope. We must not make the Gospel into a political thing, which (error) today is bringing the world to disaster.”
Speaking on another occasion about materialism Father Gino said, “I wish to underline one thing: This materialism is truly an incredible thing. Let the man beware who opens the door of his heart to it. It will kill him. It will bring death into the heart of the man, and it will kill all the life which Christ has brought to him. It has a very cruel goal and that is to bring man lower than an animal. We all must see the need to prevail upon Our Lady to bring about this miracle to destroy the materialism that destroys the commandments of love (love of God and love of neighbor). Man separates them and then does not love any longer. Then he is finished.” Father Gino is alluding to the fact that some modern men think that they serve the Gospel by preaching concern for the poor without teaching living the love of God, and thereby these men end up not loving or being concerned for the poor or for anyone, in fact.
Speaking about materialism Father Gino said, “Materialism destroys. It destroys Christ in man and elevates the animal part. It not only takes away the Christian ideals but makes us worse than animals. Materialism includes pampering the body, wanting excessive property, the best of food, giving in to desires of the flesh. This is a freedom which is not a freedom. Actually, you become a slave of all these things, and then you are not even a master of yourself. You become a slave to vice, to carnal vices, the desire to have more than is necessary — one is never content. It is a construction of hell which we create on this earth.”
Speaking about the present disbelief in the existence of hell Father Gino said, “among the material punishments, Our Lady spoke of the eternal one and that is hell. Nowadays, man laughs in scorn when hell is mentioned. He does not believe it. Yet the Saints all tremble at hearing the word.”
“… a world of materialism and atheism seeks to destroy the true life in the heart of man, the life of Christ in us. Without this life mankind finds itself totally disoriented and plunged in darkness, bringing many of our brothers to live in brutal violence and in an immorality that effaces the beauty and the dignity of man.”
Father Gino, in a letter of Easter 1982 tells us a way to help overcome this problem as individuals, writes, “We who believe in the Risen Christ and who strive to live His glorious resurrection, must do something for these our brothers; and the first thing Jesus asks of us is this: to be ever of good example, especially where we spend the most part of our day.”
Conversion of Russia
Our Lady of Fatima promised that if Her requests were granted, Russia would be converted and there would be peace. On this point, Father Gino gave the following helpful advice, “We must also remember another thing. We must pray every day for those who are behind the Iron Curtain, for the conversion of Russia, for the conversion of sinners who do not believe. Our hearts pray as part of the Mystical Body of Christ. We must pray that every individual person, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, will have the time in which he will be able to hear the call and listen to the message of God.”
Father Gino giving Holy Communion to one of the Sisters of the new religious order that he founded, assisted by one of the many seminarians who have been attracted to San Vittorino by Father Gino. |
How Christ Is Killed in the Modern World
In Italy there now lives a brother of the Congregation of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, who has helped many people to know how to apply the Message of Fatima in their lives in the Twentieth Century. His name is Brother Gino, and in the following article we quote him many times when he talks about living the Message of Fatima. In addition to the edifying effect of his spiritual counsels and the example of his holy life, God seems to be teaching us another thing through the special gifts He has given this brother.
People who have a knowledge of theology and who have known Brother Gino agree that God has a special purpose for giving us this Brother in the Twentieth Century. One of the signs of the times today is the prevalence of atheism and materialism, where people live as though there were no God and where at times it seems whole nations forget that there is a God Who created all things and to Whom we are answerable for what we do. By giving to the Church in the Twentieth Century such a holy man, God seems to be showing us that Christ is real, the Catholic Faith is real, and that Christ is still with us. God hasn't forgotten us even though so many of us forget Him.
Brother Gino has a great devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, and he has built a large shrine in Her honor at San Vittorino, near Rome, Italy. He sees the importance of the Fatima Message in our times, and explains (as Pope John Paul II says), Fatima is a reaffirmation of the Gospels. Our Lady of Fatima told us how to apply the teachings of Christ to our lives in the Twentieth Century.
Brother Gino was born on July 7, 1932 in a small farming town called Gambassi, near Florence, in Italy. He is the eldest child of Angelo and Blandina Burresi. From an early age, as his mother noticed, he showed great charity for others and an unusual degree of devotion to God and the Blessed Mother. At the early age of 14 he joined the Congregation of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, and made his perpetual vows in 1956.
Saved American Soldiers
During World War II there was much crisis and sorrow for Italy, as there was for the rest of the world. Brother Gino was about nine years old at the time. Previous to the takeover by the American soldiers, Brother Gino helped to save the lives of several American soldiers who had been taken prisoner by certain German soldiers who intended to kill them.
Gino said to his father, "Those Germans intend to kill the Americans. It is not right to kill those many young men. You must free them."
Angelo Burresi replied to his boy, "It is too dangerous. The fence which surrounds the prison camp is electrified."
Gino said, "Father, do not worry. I will pray to the Blessed Mother. You go ahead and free those soldiers. Nothing will happen to you."
The boy Gino kept insisting until Angelo Burresi, together with his cousin, went to see what they could do. They cut the wire and helped the young prisoners to escape.
Angelo next called several Italian families together and came to an understanding with them that the American soldiers would be kept hidden from the Germans. These families would see that sufficient food was given to the Americans. Gino was assigned to represent the Burresis by carrying food to the American young men. It was necessary to pass the German soldiers to reach the hiding Americans, and at times Gino had much difficulty, as he had to make several river crossings.
His mother Blandina Burresi had taught him to pray in the following way when he was afraid: "Jesus, Mary, Joseph, accompany me along the way." And she had given him a Rosary and taught him to say it. Armed with these prayers Gino passed safely through the Germans and brought food to the American soldiers in their place of hiding. This whole incident was very heroic, as all who were involved in freeing, hiding, and feeding the American soldiers may well have been shot by the German soldiers if they were discovered.
Early Years as a Brother
On December 10, 1946, when Gino was fourteen years old, he entered the Oblates of the Virgin Mary as an aspirant. On February 13, 1950, he entered the novitiate. He wanted to be a brother. Since he was very talented and intelligent, his parents and superiors didn't understand why he didn't aspire to be a priest. Brother Gino was trying to do God's will above all, and he thought God wanted him to be a brother. He was happy to do the humble work of a brother, teaching catechism, visiting the sick, helping the poor, and looking after the cleaning of the churches where he was working at different times. After many years Brother Gino resumed his studies for the priesthood. In 1979 he was ordained a deacon, which is the major order which precedes ordination to the priesthood. Brother Gino, by his prayers and example, has drawn many young men to come to the Oblate Seminary at Our Lady of Fatima's shrine at San Vittorino.
E' morto padre Gino Burresi.
Il religioso aveva un grande seguito di fedeli, fece costruire il santuario di San Vittorino. Ritirato a vita privata dopo le indagini per abusi
Pubblicato il
Ultimo aggiornamento:
Ultimo aggiornamento:
Roma, 4 maggio 2018 - All’età di 85 anni, dopo una lunga malattia, è morto a Roma padre Gino Burresi, sacerdote e religioso dei Servi del Cuore Immacolato di Maria. È stato il promotore della costruzione del santuario di San Vittorino Romano.
padre Gino Burresi (nato a Gambassi Terme il 7 luglio 1932) era noto anche per il suo grande seguito di fedeli. Nel 1959 chiese e ottenne dal Vicariato di Roma l’approvazione di un’associazione di fedeli denominata Pia Congregazione Nostra Signora di Fatima. Dal 1961, nella borgata di San Vittorino Romano (dove si trasferì stabilmente il 17 maggio 1964) diede avvio alla realizzazione di un’Opera dedicata alla Madonna di Fatima: tale opera è oggi conosciuta in tutto il mondo come il Santuario di San Vittorino. La costruzione iniziò nel 1970 e terminò il 13 maggio 1979 con la consacrazione dell’edificio, avvenuta da parte del vescovo di Tivoli, Guglielmo Giaquinta.
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